International Exchange

Wuhan University Successfully Holds the First Luojia Nursing International Conference


On November 13, 2022, the first Luojia Nursing International Conference of Wuhan University was held as scheduled in a synchronous live streaming mode, both online and offline. The conference was hosted by the School of Nursing of Wuhan University, co organized by the Nursing Department of People's Hospital of Wuhan University, the Nursing Department of Central South Hospital of Wuhan University, and the Nursing Department of Wuhan University Stomatological Hospital. Professor Wu Xinjuan, Chairman of the Chinese Nursing Association, delivered a speech at the conference. The conference aims to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between outstanding scholars at home and abroad, share cutting-edge nursing achievements and experiences, and actively explore the path of high-quality nursing development in the context of the new era. The conference includes two themed forums, Professor Ellen Blanch from Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States, Professor Carolyn Kruger from the World Health Foundation in the United States, Professor Benjamin Tan from the School of Nursing at Charles Darwin University in Australia, Professor Wang Wenru from the School of Nursing at the National University of Singapore, and Professor Che Xiying from the School of Nursing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor Shang Shaomei from the School of Nursing at Peking University and 15 well-known experts and scholars in the field of nursing and related fields from home and abroad gathered on the cloud, sharing their learning and practical experience from three themes: clinical nursing practice and the latest scientific research achievements, nursing talent cultivation and talent team construction, and nursing discipline construction. Over 15000 nursing colleagues from home and abroad watched the online live broadcast.

Zhou Fuling, Dean of the School of Nursing at Wuhan University, first delivered a speech. She pointed out that "returning to the essence of nursing education, serving the health needs of the people, and based on the forefront of disciplinary development" are the construction ideas upheld by the nursing college. The college will firmly establish the concept of "big hygiene, big health", deepen education and teaching reform, innovate nursing scientific research models, and continuously explore the path of achieving the integration of nursing education and nursing practice. The convening of this Luojia Nursing International Conference will expand new paths for the improvement of the scientific research level of the college, and make new contributions to promoting the construction of nursing disciplines and the high-quality development of nursing work.

Professor Wu Xinjuan, Chairman of the Chinese Nursing Association, stated in her speech that the nursing discipline plays an important role in the entire life cycle and health process of human beings. Nurses have demonstrated professional values and professional spirit through practical actions on the main battlefield of people's lives and health. A large number of nurses from Wuhan University have made positive contributions to promoting and ensuring the health of the whole population. She sincerely hopes that the School of Nursing at Wuhan University, based on its new positioning in the modern nursing discipline system, can seize the opportunity, collaborate and innovate, and cultivate outstanding nursing talents who are lively, ambitious, and thoughtful! We also eagerly hope that nursing professionals in the new era will prioritize their aspirations, take new paths, and feed on hardship. They will work hard and bravely to take the lead, shoulder their mission and tasks, and jointly write a new chapter in the development of nursing.

In the field of nursing clinical practice and the latest scientific research achievements, experts and scholars explore new models of nursing work from their own experience and practice, and share cutting-edge nursing experience. Professor Ellen Blanch, as an ICU nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States, systematically reports on the precautions for postoperative patient care in the ICU. Associate Professor Bai Jinbing from the School of Nursing at Emory University in the United States focuses on the relationship between symptoms and microbial metabolism, and proposes a scientific decision-making plan for reducing psychological and neurological symptoms in children undergoing chemotherapy in clinical practice. Professor Carolyn Kruger from the World Health Foundation in the United States focuses on advanced practices in neonatal care and is committed to achieving the goal of developing a blueprint for advanced practices in neonatal care based on a global perspective. Associate Professor Ni Zhao from Yale University School of Nursing will apply mobile healthcare to symptom management and disease prevention, combining new technologies with nursing practice. Professor Benjamin Tan, School of Nursing, Charles Darwin University, Australia, applied traditional Tai Chi exercise to the symptom cluster management of breast cancer patients and received positive feedback. Professor Wang Wenru from the School of Nursing of the National University of Singapore also paid attention to Internet plus. Based on the implementation obstacles of the existing traditional sports rehabilitation model, he constructed the coronary heart disease remote cardiac rehabilitation project (I-CREST) to explore a new way for patients to implement effective cardiac rehabilitation after surgery. Professor An Libin from the School of Nursing at Dalian University has established a performance evaluation system for urban non-profit elderly care services, providing a basis for management departments to formulate medical and elderly care related policies. Associate Professor Liu Yanqun from the School of Nursing at Wuhan University presented a report on the health management of perinatal depression, providing a new perspective for the study of perinatal depression from the perspective of microbiota. Professor Zhang Meifen from the School of Nursing at Sun Yat sen University has researched the "time bank" mutual care model for elderly people with chronic diseases in the community based on a smart platform, laying a solid foundation for helping to achieve the strategic goal of healthy aging.

In the thinking section of nursing talent cultivation and talent team construction, experts and scholars exchange and share the importance of high-quality nursing talent cultivation, and explore how to innovate the path of nursing professional talent cultivation. Professor Sharon Redding from the World Health Foundation in the United States emphasizes that nursing professionals should focus on professional skills, deeply cultivate research design and methods, and produce high-quality academic paper results. Professor Shang Shaomei from the School of Nursing at Peking University believes that we should respond to the needs of the national "Healthy China" strategy, promote nursing technology innovation through interdisciplinary integration, and cultivate more innovative talents. Professor Zhou Fuling from the School of Nursing at Wuhan University discussed from the perspective of graduate supervisors, believing that nursing graduate supervisors should focus on cultivating innovative research thinking and abilities among graduate students, actively undertake the important task of preaching, teaching, and resolving doubts, and willingly serve as a ladder to contribute to the cultivation of outstanding nursing leaders.

In the exploration section of nursing discipline construction, experts and scholars focus on topics such as "why" and "what is", and actively contribute to the development of nursing discipline. Professor Tang Siyuan from the Xiangya School of Nursing at Central South University believes that it is crucial to use innovative thinking to support the development of the nursing discipline. It is necessary to strengthen top-level design, establish innovative scientific and educational mechanisms, enhance the coordinated development of nursing teaching, scientific research, and clinical practice, and promote the output of first-class achievements. Professor He Dalin, Deputy Director of the Hospital Management Research Institute at Xi'an Jiaotong University, discussed nursing and nursing models in the new era and shared the practical experience of reforming specialized nursing teachers in his department. He believed that we should actively seek change in the context of big health and big nursing, and explore and practice more around improving the quality of nursing discipline. Professor Che Xiying from the Nathan College of Nursing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong believes that promoting academic development should be based on research and promote more scientific and systematic nursing research.

It is reported that since its establishment, the School of Nursing at Wuhan University has been focusing on academic exchanges and has held 22 Luojia Nursing Lectures. In the future, the college will also take this conference as an opportunity to further build a platform for professional exchange and academic sharing among nursing colleagues at home and abroad, and strive to promote interdisciplinary integration, promoting the leapfrog development of the nursing discipline at Wuhan University. (Wuhan University Luojia Nursing International Conference Video Link: